
The Ultimate Guide to Cash Management for Startup Founders

For any startup, cash management isn’t just important — it’s vital for survival. Without careful attention to cash flow, even the best ideas can’t thrive. Here’s your quick guide to cash management for startups:

  • Track your cash daily: Know exactly how much liquid cash you have.
  • Diversify your banking relationships: Don’t rely on a single bank.
  • Set financial buffers: Plan for unexpected expenses.
  • Be disciplined: Avoid unnecessary costs and prioritize investments with clear returns.

Startups often face uncertainty and need every dollar to count. Effective cash management for startups ensures financial stability, allowing you to focus on growing your business without the constant fear of running out of funds. Keeping an eye on the timing of your cash flows, regularly checking your liquidity, and planning for both short-term and long-term needs can make all the difference between thriving and failing.

Infographic on Importance of Cash Management - cash management for startups infographic infographic-line-3-steps

I’m Russell Rosario, a co-founder of Profit Leap. With years of experience as a fractional CFO, CPA, and software engineer, I’ve helped startups navigate the complexities of cash management.

Let’s explore how to effectively manage cash for your startup, ensuring your business stays healthy and on a growth trajectory.

Understanding Cash Management for Startups

Key Principles of Cash Management

Cash management for startups is crucial for survival and growth. Here are the key principles every startup founder should master:

1. Master Cash Flow

Cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. It’s about understanding when and how cash enters and leaves your company.

Here’s a pro tip: Track your cash daily. This helps you anticipate shortfalls and avoid surprises. Even profitable businesses can fail if they don’t manage their cash flow well.

2. Capital Preservation

Your primary goal should be to avoid losing money. Keep your cash in safe and accessible places. For example, a primary bank account with FDIC insurance protection is a must.

3. Liquidity

Liquidity means having quick access to your cash when you need it. This is vital during emergencies or unexpected opportunities. Ensure you have enough liquid assets to cover at least 1-3 months of operating expenses.

4. Income (Yield)

While safety and liquidity are crucial, earning some return on your idle cash is also important. Consider investing in low-risk options like money-market funds that invest in Treasury bills.

5. Treasury Management

Treasury management involves handling your cash and investments to ensure financial stability and sustained growth. It’s about making smart decisions on where to keep your money and how to invest it wisely.

The Big Three of Cash Management

To master cash management, focus on these three critical areas:

1. Accounts Receivable (AR)

Accounts receivable is the money owed to you by customers. Efficient AR management ensures you get paid on time.

Tip: Invoice quickly and follow up on late payments. Offering early payment discounts can also speed up cash inflows.

2. Accounts Payable (AP)

Accounts payable is the money you owe to suppliers. Managing AP effectively helps you maintain good relationships with vendors while optimizing your cash flow.

Tip: Negotiate longer payment terms with suppliers to keep cash in your business longer.

3. Inventory

Inventory management is about balancing stock levels to meet customer demand without tying up too much cash.

Tip: Adopt a just-in-time inventory system to reduce holding costs and free up cash.

Understanding and applying these principles can significantly improve your startup’s financial health. Next, we’ll discuss how to set up your cash management system to ensure your business thrives.

Setting Up Your Cash Management System

Setting up a solid cash management system is crucial for any startup. It ensures you have enough cash on hand to cover expenses while making the most out of your idle funds. Let’s dive into the essentials.

Choosing the Right Bank Accounts

1. Primary Bank Account

Your primary bank account is where the magic happens. This is the account you’ll use for daily operations, paying bills, and receiving payments.

Opt for a startup-friendly bank. These banks understand the unique needs of startups, offering features like easy integration with accounting software and lower fees. Popular choices include Mercury, Brex Cash, and Chase.

FDIC insurance is vital. Keep your deposits within the $250,000 FDIC insurance limit to protect your funds. If your balance exceeds this limit, consider using a “cash sweep” product, which automatically spreads your money across multiple accounts to stay insured.

2. Secondary Operating Account

Think of this as your backup plan. A secondary account at a different bank ensures you have access to funds even if your primary bank faces issues.

Keep enough cash for two payroll runs. This provides a safety net without tying up too much capital.

Choose a reputable bank. Even if it’s a more traditional institution, reliability is key. Ensure this account also stays within the FDIC insurance limit.

Investing Idle Cash

1. Money-Market Funds

Once you’ve covered your operational needs, it’s time to make your idle cash work for you.

Invest in a money-market fund that focuses on Treasury bills. These funds are backed by the U.S. government, making them a safe choice. Avoid the temptation to chase higher yields with riskier investments. The goal here is capital preservation and liquidity.

2. Treasury Bills

For a bit more involvement, consider directly investing in Treasury bills (T-Bills).

T-Bills are short-term securities that mature in 4 to 52 weeks. They offer a safe place to park cash you don’t need immediately. That while they are very liquid, selling them before maturity could result in a small loss if interest rates have risen.

Regularly reinvest for best results. You’ll need to buy new T-Bills as the old ones mature, but this ensures your money continues to work for you without taking on unnecessary risk.

Risk Management

Diversification is key. By spreading your funds across different types of accounts and investments, you reduce the risk of losing money due to unforeseen events.

Implement strong financial controls. This includes regular reviews of your accounts, dual authorization for large transactions, and robust cybersecurity measures to protect against fraud.

With these steps, you’ll have a robust cash management system that keeps your startup’s finances healthy and secure. Next, we’ll explore best practices for managing cash flow to ensure you maintain financial stability as you grow.

Best Practices for Managing Cash Flow

Daily Bookkeeping and Financial Hygiene

Good cash management for startups starts with daily bookkeeping and maintaining financial hygiene. Keeping your books organized is essential. It helps you understand where your money is going and ensures you stay on track with your financial goals.

Olivia Balboa-Lopez, CFO and co-founder at IMPCT, emphasizes the importance of looking back and learning to do better. She insists on regular reconciliation of accounts. This means checking your books against bank statements daily, if possible. This practice not only keeps your records accurate but also prepares you for investor reviews.

Messy books can scare off potential investors. They want to see that you have a firm grip on your finances. So, keep your books clean and up-to-date.

Responsible Use of Credit Cards

Credit cards are a powerful tool for managing startup cash flow, but they must be used responsibly. Amy Kux, CFO of Unbabel, advises finding the right banker and credit card options that suit your startup’s needs.

Here are some best practices:

  • Choose the right credit card: Look for cards that offer rewards or cash back on business expenses.
  • Avoid personal guarantees: Whenever possible, use business credit cards that don’t require personal guarantees.
  • Establish a spend culture: Set clear guidelines on what can and cannot be charged to the company card. This helps prevent overspending and keeps your budget in check.

Establishing Spending Rules

Setting clear spending rules is crucial for fraud prevention and maintaining financial discipline. Here are some key practices:

  • Access privileges: Limit the number of people who have access to company funds. This reduces the risk of unauthorized spending.
  • Dual authorization: For large transactions, require two approvals. This adds a layer of security and ensures that all significant expenses are necessary and justified.
  • Vendor receipts: Always collect and store receipts from vendors. This helps in tracking expenses and verifying that all charges are legitimate.

Implementing these practices helps maintain financial stability and ensures your startup is prepared for growth.

Next, we’ll dive into strategies to improve cash flow to keep your startup thriving.

Strategies to Improve Cash Flow

Leveraging Payment Terms and Invoicing

One of the easiest ways to improve cash flow is by negotiating better payment terms with your suppliers. If you can extend your payment terms from 30 days to 60 days, it gives you more time to collect payments from your customers before you need to pay your bills. This can make a big difference in managing your cash flow.

For example, Taylor Scobbie from IMPCT learned the hard way that without a proper cash management system, even $1 million can disappear quickly. By negotiating better payment terms with suppliers, you can avoid running out of cash and keep your business running smoothly.

Invoicing quickly is another crucial strategy. The faster you send out invoices, the quicker you can get paid. Make sure your invoices are clear, easy to read, and include all necessary payment details. This minimizes confusion and speeds up the payment process.

Charging for trials is another way to generate revenue efficiently. Instead of offering free trials, consider charging a small fee. This not only brings in some cash but also helps validate your product. If customers are willing to pay for a trial, it indicates they see value in your offering.

Generating Revenue Efficiently

Customer payments are the lifeblood of your startup. To ensure timely payments, consider offering discounts for early payments. Everyone loves a good deal, and this can incentivize customers to pay their bills ahead of time, improving your cash flow.

Free trials can be tempting to offer, but they don’t bring in any immediate cash. Instead, consider offering a subscription deal. This way, customers commit to a longer-term relationship with your product, providing you with a steady stream of income.

Finally, focus on product validation. Before you invest heavily in developing a new product, test it with a small group of customers. If they are willing to pay for it, you know you have a viable product. This minimizes the risk of investing in something that doesn’t sell.

By implementing these strategies, you can improve your cash flow and ensure your startup remains financially healthy.

Next, we’ll explore cash management during hypergrowth and how to navigate the challenges that come with rapid expansion.

Cash Management During Hypergrowth

Hypergrowth is an exhilarating phase for any startup. But it also brings unique challenges that can strain your cash management systems. Let’s dive into two essential strategies: Flexible Forecasting and Spending Smarter.

Flexible Forecasting

Hypergrowth can make it tough to keep track of your expenses and revenues. That’s why flexible forecasting is crucial.

Yearly and Quarterly Forecasts: Start with a long-term plan. Outline your goals for the year, but break them down into quarterly forecasts. This allows you to adjust your plans as new data comes in. Dr. David Moreira from Motesque Inc. emphasizes the importance of having both long-term and short-term plans. He suggests monthly reviews with different teams to ensure everyone is on track.

Scenario Planning: Always prepare for the unexpected. Create multiple scenarios in your forecasts to see how different situations could impact your cash flow. For instance, what happens if sales double? Or if a key client leaves? This kind of planning helps you stay ready for any situation.

Spending Smarter

When you’re growing fast, it’s easy to lose control of your spending. But there are ways to manage cash more efficiently.

Investment Allocation: Be strategic about where you put your money. Focus on projects that offer the highest returns. David Moreira advises prioritizing investments that align with your long-term goals and offer the best returns.

Hiring Processes: Rapid growth often means hiring quickly. But be careful. Niels Boon from Zenjob suggests focusing on profitability and working capital management. Make sure you’re hiring for roles that will directly contribute to your growth and profitability.

Unit Economics: Understanding your unit economics can guide smarter spending. This means knowing the cost of acquiring each customer and the revenue they bring in. By keeping these metrics in mind, you can make informed decisions about where to allocate resources.

In summary, flexible forecasting and spending smarter are vital for managing cash during hypergrowth. Regular reviews, strategic investments, and a keen understanding of your unit economics will help you navigate this exciting yet challenging phase.

Next, we’ll dive into Frequently Asked Questions about cash management for startups.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cash Management for Startups

How do startups manage their cash?

Startups manage their cash by creating a detailed startup budget that outlines expected revenue and standard costs. This budget helps founders keep track of where money is going and ensures there’s enough cash to cover expenses.

Key steps include:

  • Monitoring current revenue: Regularly check how much money is coming in. This helps you know if you have enough to cover your costs.
  • Tracking standard costs: These are the regular expenses your startup has, like rent, salaries, and utilities. Keep an eye on these to avoid overspending.
  • Daily bookkeeping: Keep your financial records organized and up-to-date. This helps you spot any issues early.

By keeping a close watch on these areas, startups can avoid running out of cash and make better financial decisions.

How to do a cash flow for a startup?

Creating a cash flow statement for a startup involves tracking all the money coming in and going out. This helps you understand your cash position and make informed decisions.

Steps to create a cash flow statement:

  1. List all income sources: Include sales revenue, investment income, and any other money coming in.
  2. Record all expenses: This includes operating costs like salaries, rent, and utilities, as well as any other payments.
  3. Account for balance sheet changes: Include changes in your assets and liabilities. For example, if you buy new equipment, that’s an expense. If you take a loan, that’s an inflow.
  4. Include non-cash items: Some expenses, like depreciation, don’t involve actual cash outflow but still affect your financial statements.

By following these steps, you can create a clear picture of your startup’s cash flow and make better financial decisions.

What are the five basic principles of cash management?

Understanding the five basic principles of cash management is crucial for any startup founder. These principles help ensure that your business remains financially healthy.

  1. Cash flow mastery: Always know how much cash you have, where it’s coming from, and where it’s going. This helps you avoid surprises and plan better.
  2. Asset selection: Choose where to invest your cash wisely. This includes deciding between short-term and long-term investments.
  3. Discipline: Stick to your budget and avoid unnecessary spending. This helps you maintain financial stability.
  4. Short-term movements: Keep an eye on short-term cash needs. This includes managing your accounts receivable and payable to ensure you have enough cash on hand.
  5. Diversification: Don’t put all your cash in one place. Spread your investments to reduce risk.

By following these principles, you can manage your startup’s cash more effectively and ensure long-term success.

Next, we’ll answer some common questions small business owners have about financial statements.


Cash management for startups is not just a task—it’s a lifeline. Effective cash management ensures your startup’s survival, financial stability, and long-term success. As we’ve seen, mastering cash flow, choosing the right tools, and maintaining disciplined financial practices are crucial.

At Profit Leap, we understand the challenges you face. That’s why we’ve developed tailored solutions to help you navigate your financial journey. Our Success Dashboard offers a comprehensive view of your financial health, helping you make informed decisions.

But we don’t stop there. Our AI business advisor, Huxley, is designed to be your trusted co-pilot. Huxley provides precise forecasting, actionable insights, and tailored advice to keep your startup on the right path. By leveraging advanced AI capabilities, Huxley helps you not just react to changes but lead them.

In conclusion, cash management is the cornerstone of any successful startup. With Profit Leap and Huxley by your side, you’ll be equipped to manage your cash wisely, extend your runway, and achieve unparalleled success.

Ready to take control of your startup’s financial future? Work with us and let Profit Leap guide you to a brighter business future.